Play England 'Adventure Playgrounds' publication 

Challenging Behaviour Foundation 'Understanding Behaviour' factsheet

Challenging Behaviour Foundation 'Causes of Challenging Behaviour' factsheet

Challenging Behaviour Foundation 'Use of Medication for Challenging Behaviour' factsheet

BILD 'Communication for People with Learning Disabilities' factsheet

BILD 'Personalisation and Family Carer's' factsheet

BILD 'Bereavement and Grief for People with Learning Disabilities' factsheet

Contact a Family 'Short Breaks' guidance sheet

Contact a Family 'Introduction to the Care Act 2014' guidance sheet

Contact a Family 'Preparing for Adulthood' guidance sheet

Positive Behaviour Support Academy 'Using PBS to have a good life' Book 1

Positive Behaviour Support Academy 'Using PBS to have a good life' Book 2

MENCAP / CBF 'Out of Sight: a report about stopping abuse of people with a learning disability'